Make a booking for one of the upcoming workshops below
Curriculum Development
This course will be useful to individuals wanting to broaden and deepen their knowledge on Curriculum Studies
Digital Marketing
Learn about online marketing, creating an online presence, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), content and affiliate marketing, e-mail marketing and social media marketing.
4 Day Workshop
Based on US 115753 Conduct Outcomes-Based Assessment
3 Day Workshop
Based on US 115759 Conduct Moderation of Outcomes-Based Assessment
3 Day Workshop
Based on US 117871 Facilitate Learning Using a Variety of Given Methodologies
Skills Development Facilitator
4 Day Workshop
Based on US 252041, 15221, 15232, 15217, 15228 & 15227
Design & Develop a Learning Programme
4 Day Workshop
Based on US 123401 & 123394
Supervisory Management
3 Day Workshop
Based on US 242820, 242821, 119472, 242816, 242812, 242819 & 119462
RPL Advisor
3 Day Workshop
Based on US 12544 & 117865
Mentorship Training
3 Day Workshop
Based on US 117865 & 117874
Mentorship & Coaching
4 Day Workshop
Based on US 117865, 117874 & 117877
Performance Management Training
3 Day Workshop
Based on US 11473
Project Management
3 Day Workshop
Option 1: based on US 120375, 120387, 120382,120376 & 120381
Option 2: based on US 120373, 120384 & 120379
Marketing & Sales Management
3 Day Workshop
Based on US 252196, 252206, 252202, 252203, 252211, 252209 & 252202
Selling Effectively
3 Day Workshop
Based on US 1118037
Start your own Business
3 Day Workshop
Based on US that forms part of ID: 23953
Design & Develop Outcomes-Based Assessements
Based on US 115755